Updated March 26, 2020
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Completely re-engineered Feed / Social
We have re-engineered our feed and interaction into a feed where members of a lodge can quickly and easily communicate with other members of their respective lodges. This feed functionality is intended to be smaller more lodge-focused groups. We have plans to expand the groups to regions or districts and will be rolling those functionalities out in the coming weeks.
Events and Calendaring
We have spent a lot of time working on the events, calendaring, and presentation of events through the portals. We’ve expanded events to include districts, regions, and even jurisdiction-wide events.
Event Attendance Tracking
In addition to the expanded event and calendaring we have added the ability to check into events and record the members who attend meetings. This will benefit those jurisdictions that require officer attendance reporting and help us manage engagement through meeting attendance trends over time.
With the COVID-19 social distancing requirements, we will be making this functionality available in late April. This will alleviate any confusion amongst the lodges on their ability to meet. We’re thoroughly documenting the process and testing cross-jurisdictional check-ins. Please stay tuned for more information on meeting attendance and check-ins.
Terms and Conditions (For GV Users)(GDPR & CCPA)
Included with this release is a mechanism that requires all users to review and accept a set of terms and conditions before they are allowed to use the portals. This is designed to protect your jurisdiction and clearly set expectations of what users can and cannot do with the information available through the portal and dashboards. This will also allow Grand View to be compliant with Internet privacy standards such as CCPA and GDPR as these requirements are becoming more and more common.
Lodge Rolls through Portals
With the approval of the Jurisdiction, we now have the ability to make lodge rolls and contact info of the members of a lodge visible to the other members of that lodge. This will provide greater communications between members and make roster information more accessible. For those members who wish to not have their information shared they have the option to keep their information private where it will not be published in the portal.
Multi-Level Lodge Grouping
We have expanded the concept of lodge groupings (much like a district) to allow jurisdictions to create logical groupings of lodges such as regions, building associations, lecture districts etc. This functionality provides admin and communication capabilities within that group of lodges. If you need this level of grouping please contact our offices to discuss your needs and have this configured.
Recognition Settings
We have built a mechanism for jurisdictions to manage their recognition settings through the Grand Lodge dashboard. This allows you to set recognition by jurisdiction and make changes anytime. The information collected through this interface will automatically update the recognition settings hosted by the George Washington Masonic Memorial once their solution is in production. In the meantime, it is imperative that we begin collecting this information, as we will need accurate recognition data to develop inter-jurisdictional communication functionalities. (Certificates of good standing, transfers, etc.)
Auto Officer Permissions
We’ve fully implemented automatic officer permissions where all permissions are granted to members based on their currently installed offices. This feature allows Worshipful Masters, Senior Wardens, and Junior Wardens to view member records and the ability to create posts and events as well as communicating with the members of the lodge. Secretaries will be assigned full admin permission for their respective lodge(s). Treasurers can also be granted view-only permissions based on the jurisdictional requirements.
Jurisdiction Wide Messaging Pricing
We’ve been approached by several jurisdictions asking for an opportunity to provide messaging (robocalling and text messaging) for every lodge in the jurisdiction at a discounted rate.
Click here to learn more about Jurisdiction Wide Messaging.
Miscellaneous Contacts / Relations
We have created a miscellaneous contact section on the communications dashboard of the lodges where lodges can collect and store information about non-members for communications. This could include members from other jurisdictions, members from concordant and appendant bodies, etc. Note: Spouses, Partners, and Widows should be managed through the member record.
On member records, we have added a tam for relations where members who are related may be linked for future reference, and other contacts can be added such as children, siblings, etc. etc. this will allow us to build a more elaborate database of contacts for a member that will be useful for contacting a member should we lose touch.
Updated Look on the Lodge Engagement Dashboard
We consolidated the Post, Event, and Communications menu items into an Engagement Dashboard. This new dashboard presents information in a more useful and intuitive layout. This dashboard also serves as the landing page for Worshipful Masters, Senior Wardens, and Junior Wardens.
Prospect Management Updates
Updated Prospect Workflow and Dashboards
Added assign to District or Lodge feature to prospect page
Finds closest lodges to prospects zipcode.
Ability to add new prospects directly from GL and District Dashboards.
Added API integration for beafreemason.org to send inquiries directly to your grand lodge dashboard without having to re-enter from email.
Added roles of “Membership Committee” to Lodges and Districts
Added Prospects Tile on member portal for Membership Committee to manage prospects.