• Your Info

  • Survey – Please rank the following topics by level of importance to your jurisdiction. 1 = Lowest 10 = Highest

  • For example. When a member petitions your jurisdiction for dual membership your system sends a notice the other jurisdiction automatically and can retrieve a response from their system without human intervention. Another example is your system sending notifications to other jurisdictions when a member is reported as suspended or deceased.

  • An electronic replacement for the book of lodges and recognition currently printed.

  • Please list other items that are important to your jurisdiction. You may add as many items as you like by clicking on the + to the right of the field.

  • Attendees Info

  • Please list the attendees from your jurisdiction who will be joining us for dinner the evening of Feb 15th at 6:00 PM (Spouses and associates are welcome). You may add multiple attendees by clicking the plus to the right.
  • NameTitle